Direct examples...
Direct examples of cash-money are dollars, bills or coins. This is pretty well-known in the world.
The people that focus on this have a good chance at having some money in their lives.
Slightly indirect examples...
Slightly indirect examples of cash-money (that could be just as valuable if not more valuable) are precious metals, rare stones, stock certificates, bonds, deeds, titles, Bitcoin, or Crypto currency. This is also somewhat known but not entirely understood.
The people that focus on this have a chance to retire or maybe even be rich.
Indirect examples...
Indirect examples of cash-money are education, experts, fans, network, and a team. This is uncommon wisdom and almost entirely misunderstood worldwide.
The people that focus on this have the greatest chance to be more than rich but to be truly prosperous and wealthy to the point that they can actually leave a lucrative legacy.